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How do you know what is the best job for you to do in your life?

Forums Seeking Advice How do you know what is the best job for you to do in your life?

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    • I recently just graduate and I need to think about what job to pursue. My parents asked me to study civil engineer but I don’t really enjoy my study but they told me that this job will give me a stable life. So I am wondering if you all are in my situation, would you just do the job that is the most stable for you or you will do a job you are passionate about?

    • I think any job that give you a happiness but also can take care of you means is the best job. A good job is one that fulfil one of the thing I said but not the other. So a good job may be a job that give you happiness but cannot give you good pay. Or a job that give you good pay but not give you good happiness. Best is to find both.






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