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A place for the grand exchange of ideas!
Forums › Seeking Advice › Forum Rules
Welcome to the Seeking Advice Forum, a supportive community where members can seek and share personal advice on life’s challenges. To maintain a safe and constructive environment, please follow these guidelines:
1. Age Requirement: You must be at least 16 years old to participate in this forum.
2. Private Community: This forum is a private space for individuals seeking and offering advice. Membership is contingent on following these guidelines.
3. Confidentiality and Privacy: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal or sensitive information about another person without their explicit permission. Keep in mind that your posts are visible to the community, so share your own experiences with care.
4. Respectful and Supportive Interactions: This forum is a space for empathy and support. Criticism should be constructive, not harsh or judgmental. Disrespectful behavior, including harassment, insults, or belittling comments, will not be tolerated. Report any such issues to a moderator rather than engaging.
5. Personal Accountability: While advice shared here can be helpful, it is based on personal experiences and should not replace professional guidance when needed. Use the advice at your own discretion, and seek professional help for serious or complex issues.
6. No Exploitation: This forum is not a place for soliciting services or promoting products. Offering genuine advice and sharing resources is encouraged, but any form of self-promotion or exploitation of vulnerable members will result in a ban.
7. Sensitive Topics: Discussions on sensitive topics, such as mental health, relationships, or financial difficulties, should be approached with care and respect. Triggering content should include a warning, and graphic details should be avoided.
8. Content Ownership: Posts you share become the property of the Seeking Advice Forum and may be used to support others in similar situations in the future.
9. Content Responsibility: The forum reserves the right to remove any post that doesn’t align with these guidelines. You are responsible for your posts and agree to indemnify the forum against any claims related to your content.
10. Membership Rights: The forum can revoke your membership or posting privileges if you violate these guidelines or if your behavior negatively impacts the community.
11. Transparency in Legal Matters: If necessary, the forum may disclose your identity in response to legal actions or complaints related to your posts.
By participating, you agree to contribute to a compassionate, respectful, and supportive community where members can seek and offer advice with kindness and understanding.
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