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Forums General Discussions Forum Rules

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    • Welcome to General Discussions, a forum for deep thinkers and everyday philosophers to explore a wide range of topics. By participating, you agree to the following rules:

      1. Age Requirement: You must be at least 16 years old to join and post.

      2. Private Community: SoSuave is a private forum, and your membership depends on following the rules.

      3. Content Ownership: All posts become the property of The Philosophy Club and may be used in the future.

      4. No Guarantees: The Philosophy Club does not endorse or guarantee the advice shared here. The views expressed are solely those of the authors. Use the information at your own risk.

      5. Respectful Conduct: Insulting, harassing, or disrespecting members will result in a ban. If you encounter such behavior, report it to a moderator instead of responding.

      6. Copyright Compliance: Requests for, or posting of, copyrighted material without permission will result in account termination. You may share excerpts with proper credit and links to relevant articles.

      7. No Advertising: Advertising is prohibited, but you can share advice with a link to your site in your signature.

      8. Offensive Content: Offensive discussions are not allowed. Personal or private information about others should not be posted without their consent.

      9. Content Responsibility: The Philosophy Club reserves the right to delete any message for any reason. You are responsible for your posts and agree to indemnify the forum against any claims related to your content.

      10. Membership Rights: The Philosophy Club can revoke your membership or posting privileges for any reason.

      11. Legal Actions: The Philosophy Club may disclose your identity in response to complaints or legal actions related to your posts.

      By participating, you agree not to post false, defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, harassing, or illegal content.






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