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What is one habit you did that change your life for the better?

Forums Self-Improvement What is one habit you did that change your life for the better?

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    • I am wondering what is one habit that you did that change your life for the better?

      For me I would say its waking up earlier than usual everyday. It gives me time to prepare for the day.

      What about you all?

    • Recalling / counting things that I am grateful about in my current state every morning before starting the day .

      • Do you mean its like mantras? Like something you say into the mirror? If so, and if you don’t mind, can you tell me what is the way you say it?

    • @Clarakwan not like a mantra or ritual, but just a simple exercise of mentally listing down some things that you are grateful for in life, e.g. all my basic needs are met, I am living in a peaceful nation / neighbourhood, I have family members whom I love and are loving me deeply etc.

      I find that doing this gives me motivation for the rest of that day 🙂

    • @arete91 I also do that. I have a habit that I will use a sheet of paper and write down 5 thing I am very happy for before I sleep. This is good for good living.

    • Everyday I try to spend at least 30 minutes listening to some nature sound from the YouTube it really really help me have a clearer mind, you all should try that too!






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